Healthy Ways to Cope with Stress and Anxiety

There is no question about it: This is a stressful time of year. Between all of the normal stresses of life and the extreme stresses of society today, all of us are struggling to find new ways to cope so we can continue to live our lives and function in society. Thankfully, you aren’t powerless, and there are ways to cope. Here’s a look at some of the best ways to cope with stress and anxiety.

Meditation & Yoga

Remember, you can do physical things that can help increase your level of relaxation. Numerous studies have proven that meditation and yoga can help you feel better, reduce your stress, improve your mood, and lower your anxiety.

Best of all, contrary to the sometimes popular belief, you don’t have to be an expert, in great shape, or capable of stretching yourself into a pretzel. Indeed, perhaps one of the most incredible things about yoga and meditation is the low entry barrier. All you have to do is have a willingness to try it and access to a YouTube video that can help teach you how to engage in each of these practices.

Alternatively, for yoga and meditation, there are classes available that can help teach you the various ins and outs of doing yoga and how to meditate. A simple google search should be able to help you find local classes.


CBD is a popular supplement that was recently legalized by the federal government. Many have found that cannabidiol and hemp oil extract tinctures have helped them cope with their anxiety in numerous ways.

Indeed, there is some evidence that shows that CBD may be helpful for a variety of physical and emotional conditions – including anxiety. You should always speak with your doctor before making such a purchase, and you should never switch out CBD for any other professional treatment, like medication or therapy. However, a growing body of work does show that CBD has the potential to be able to help you deal with stress and anxiety.


The evidence here is overwhelming: Exercise is a great way to deal with stress and anxiety. This is because physical exercise gets your brain, body, and various hormones going, causing your body to release multiple stress-reducing chemicals and neurotransmitters.

It may seem intimidating – mainly if you are out of shape or not used to physical activity. There is no question that you should always consult with your doctor before starting any sort of exercise program. However, just like yoga and meditation, there is a low barrier to entry. You do not need to purchase an expensive gym membership and lift weights for two hours every day to feel better. Exercise can be relatively mild – going for a twenty-minute walk a few days of the week – for you to feel the benefits of physical activity. 

Remember: When it comes to reducing your stress and anxiety levels, you aren’t powerless, and you aren’t hopeless. The above three measures are real, concrete things that you can do to regain some control over your life and reduce your burden. They can help to make you feel better and relieve your significant stress and anxiety levels.